Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Saudis want to be our Friends

While picking my way along in the land of never-ending road construction this morning, I heard a radio commercial that made me feel as if I'd left Kansas and entered Oz. Or a Jasper Fforde novel.

You can find a copy of the ad I heard here.

The upshot is that, well, the Saudis aren't terrorists, we said so ourselves. They didn't do anything, really. And they want to be friends.

I thought it was a joke. Like if France ran an ad saying "We promise we'll stop talking bad about you so please buy some more wine and cheese."

I wasn't aware it had been done before. Apparently they've been running ads in the US for the last couple of years. Now I'm really, really glad for those annoying tags at the beginning of political commercials. You know the ones ...

I'm the Yorkist Rose and I approve this message.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Oh my goodness, that is funny....oh, yeah, sure they want to be friends!!! Most of the 9-11 hijackers were Saudis. Must have been purely coincidental...