Friday, August 06, 2004

50 fun facts about the rose

1. I have a 1/2 sister somewhere out there that is only 22 months older. She was relinquished for adoption shortly after birth.
2. We were born in the same hospital in Independence, MO.
3. I am both a stepdaughter and a stepmother.
4. I can bend my thumbs backwards all the way to my wrist.
5. I have an octave + 2 reach on a piano.
6. I have never spent the night in the hospital.
7. I wrote my first poem at 5 and my mother still has it.
8. I have written over 200 poems.
9. I submitted 3 to the Missouri Review for fun when I was laid off 2 years ago. They were rejected.
10. I love visiting touristy places in the off season. Cape Cod in April is amazing.
11. In high school I read several Kurt Vonnegut novels because my teacher said we couldn't unless we had permission from our parents.
12. T and I used to square dance. We were nearly always the youngest couple -- by 40 years.
13. I have lost a cumulative total of 74 pounds on Weight Watchers in 2 attempts.
14. I'm currently maintaining a 40 pound loss.
15. I once had a college class in which we attempted to bend spoons with our minds.
16. I competed in district music contest with vocal solos 3 years in a row in high school.
17. I was vocalist of the year my senior year.
18. I was later told I didn't deserve it and that I sucked.
19. I have never set foot on any other continent.
20. My favorite movie last year was "Love, Actually".
21. There was a rumor that I had an affair with a co-worker, which was completely untrue.
22. I am shy.
23. I also have a big mouth. Go figure.
24. My husband is my best friend.
25. My childhood best friend and I have been friends for 28 years.
26. If I was a dog, I'd be the first one to show my tummy.
27. I'd also bite your hand off if you cornered me.
28. I love bluegrass music.
29. Of 17 cousins, I was the first and maybe the only one to get a 4 yr. college degree.
30. I own 5 watches and don't wear any of them.
31. I love animals, especially kittens and big dogs.
32. My childhood dogs were a Collie and a Great Dane.
33. I can't cook or decorate.
34. I also have no clothing taste.
35. My favorite actor is Colin Firth.
36. One summer when I was laid off I watched A&Es Pride & Predjudice 5 times.
37. I'm a dawdler.
38. I was raised Catholic.
39. I converted/was saved on Christmas Eve several years ago.
40. I was baptised twice - once as a baby and again as an adult.
41. My Aunt and Uncle used to live around the block from Bess Truman.
42. I have an MBA.
43. I love history and architecture.
44. I got a hug from David Cassidy once. He's small and he smells good.
45. My favorite foods all involve cheese.
46. I believe in buying local.
47. I have a rare blood type.
48. I am the height and weight of an average US woman.
49. I'm as NASCAR fan. My favorite drivers are #8, #29, #15 and #49.
50. When I was 10, I followed my mom off a 25 ft. dive platform at a local lake.

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