Monday, August 16, 2004

First Day of School

There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees. - Victor Hugo

We sent K off to school today. A new experience for me -- and one I didn't imagine I'd ever have at this late date. Nonetheless, there we all were - 2 cars worth of well-wishers, seeing the kid off on her first day of high school in a strange new city. We were like her own personal parade.

K and I spent most of our time in the car praying. We prayed for confidence, peace, joy, blessings in unexpected places, the right kind of friends, for less homework and more fun. We prayed for her friend in another state who is also going to a new school today.

What a privileged people we are: to be able to have a free education, to be able to freely go to God in prayer. And how privileged I am to be able to spend my Monday morning praying with K and seeing her off on the first day of school.

As my day goes on, I'll be spending a large portion of it in meetings. But in the quiet moments I intend to keep praying. Even if it's just a thought, a delicate little soap bubble of prayer that I send her way. I'll keep praying that even now she's being met with kindness, that she's feeling strong and confident. That even if we can't be there, God will be.


. said...

So, how did it go? Did she enjoy the school? Did she meet new friends? Starting at a new school can be hard.

Mitchelina said...

Well, her schedule was wrong for her first three hours and she missed lunch. BUT she did make the bus home and she made some new friends and she LOVES her theater class. So far, so good!

I've been where she's been and it's NO FUN - but she's handling everything with resiliance and grace. Pretty great for a 14 year old!