Thursday, August 26, 2004

Decision 2004

A little while ago after reading yet more viciousness directed against certain candidates in the presidential election, I googled up "best candidate for president" and got a (surprise!) useful quiz that walks you through various political issues to determine your best match.

I'm still leaning right. Yep. But not very, since I am a former Democrat with a child in public school. My beliefs don't have a thing to do with military service or elected office experience, either. In fact, those two items are total non-issues for me. Now what we plan to do about education, oil prices, taxes, various constitutional amendments and the war in Iraq are issues.

I won't bore you with my specific beliefs, I will only say that I hope everyone votes their conscience and when this election is over I hope we can abandon the rhetoric and meanness and get back to being nice people. This election seems to be exceedingly ugly. As for me, I plan to vote by absentee ballot and be safely and blissfully digging my toes into the island sand on election day, where my only decision will be what to pick for lunch.

A hui hou kakou,
Yorkist Rose

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