Thursday, June 16, 2005

the unbearable lightness of being alone

T and K left yesterday -- he to Colorado to see his brother and she to her mother's. Weeks ago I had a really strong craving to be alone and I wasn't... now I am and I'm kind of hating it. I fixed myself a huge salad for dinner and a cucumber and chicken salad sandwich. I flipped channels for a while, watched a few minutes of three movies I'd seen before. Then out of sheer boredom I decided to try a yoga tape I bought a couple of years ago and never opened. K actually tried it the other night and had fun with it so I thought it would be a nice switch from the treadmill.

I thought it was kind of a weenie workout until the jelly legs kicked in 20 minutes after I was done. I will say it was very relaxing and the stretching woke up muscles that haven't been doing much besides holding me upright for the last 2 years. It's hard not to snicker when the yogi starts talking about my eyes getting smaller and my front brain resting on my back brain. I had to fast forward through that part. More than 2 minutes in the relaxation pose and I'll be relaxed until 6 a.m., sister.

The yoga got me through until shortly before 9 p.m. I fed the dogs, ran laundry, picked up, rattled around and headed upstairs to lay my clothes out for today. A sure sign of boredom ... the willingness to iron. I hate ironing yet there I was, starching a crisp white shirt for work. Hey, at least I feel pretty today...

I think being alone with other people in the house is better -- even if I don't get control over the remote.

3 more days until K comes home and 5 until T is back. I used to be great at being by myself. Used to get that light, don't-worry-about-anything feeling: I enjoyed just taking care of me. I've clearly forgotten how to do this. And of course, by the time I figure it out and start to enjoy it, they'll be back.

In a totally non-related note, Skippy "Nutty Smores" trail mix bars are awesome and only 3 points. But the name just sounds too much like "$lutty wh0res". Or maybe that's just my particular mind warp.

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