Tuesday, June 14, 2005

next stop

I’ve blathered on fairly frequently about my need to lose weight (note the list on the lower right hand side of my blog). I say I’m going to do something and then I do something: I eat. I eat sour cream raisin pie, dark chocolate m&ms, valomilks, corn chips, french onion dip, Nachos Bell Grande, chocolate covered raisins, Snickers popables, guacamole.

We see here why we’re not making any progress?

So yesterday I started again. It was a good food day. I had vegetables. I worked out. I limited my intake of dark chocolate m&ms to 1/8 cup (enjoyed in bed while reading Weight Watchers magazine)! I had 22 points.

If I can’t control anything else in my life, I can control this. Next stop, 135. 5 pounds less than this picture. I love this picture. I want to be this picture. Again.

1 comment:

Chixulub said...

Good grief. You are if anything slimmer than you were when I got you to pose for the cover of the Singles papers my former employer published. Never did know why you chickened out an demanded the undeveloped film back. And that was, what, a DECADE ago?

If you feel the need to lose weight, you're sane and I'm sure you'll follow your best interests, but the Judy Garland likeness is too much for you to spend too much time at the Alter of Skinny. You're already a head-turner.