Thursday, March 16, 2006


Sometimes I fall off the wagon. I've done that a lot this last week or two. Don't get me wrong, I like being down on the ground among all the naughty food. Last Friday, T and I wandered over to Granite City to have dinner and I had the most heavenly garlic mashed potatoes and a chicken sandwich with artichoke dip and cheese that must have been the size of my head. In the last few weeks we've also had Spanish food, Cheeseburger in Paradise and several other things I've probably blanked out.

I dropped to 159 and change for a minute or two and then have bounced back to 160.5, a small slip in the overall scheme of things and my first gain in 8 weeks. A day of laying all over the couch yesterday didn't help: I don't know how stay at home moms can resist the call of the fridge all day. All I wanted to do was eat, eat, eat. In volume. But overall I wasn't terrible. Oh, yeah, I was. Tha thump. Off the wagon. Tha thump. Ran over me, clipped me in the back of the head. Knocked the memory of the popcorn, cake and ice cream right out of me.

Ah, well. Back at it. Back at the diet, back at work, back at everything I guess. I had one day off from everything to just lay up and feel sorry for me. My only regret is that I didn't see that I could have gotten "In Her Shoes" on pay-per-view until it was too late. But I did get to watch "The Village" on regular cable.

1 comment:

~Les said...

Hey sister,
Yeah, I've been run over by the wagon a time or 2 also. As you know, I think my self had become a permenant part of the wagon's wheel there for a while! LOL! Glad you are back. None of us is perfect, the most important thing is to get up, dust off, and get back at it, right? :0) Take care!