Thursday, March 02, 2006

Civic duty

Much as I'd like to duck out, I got pulled for jury duty next week. Again. I swear I'm called for jury duty more than anyone else I know. I'm about to go pro.

And they've made it harder and harder to get out of it. I sat through a jury selection last time where this guy tried for 2 solid hours to get dismissed by giving the most obnoxious answers possible to every question the attorneys asked him. He claimed to be completely biased about everything, hate everyone and basically had no redeeming human qualities at all. After two hours everyone in the jury pool begged for them to dimiss him. Either that or we were going to have to drag him out behind the courthouse and kick his ass.

Well, while I'm sitting for hour upon hour at least I can read. Or play Bookworm or Text Twister on my pda. And try not to think about the work that's piling up while I'm doing my civic duty.

Is it wrong to pray that everyone plea bargains next week?

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