Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I shouldn't be so smug and superior to friends who fall prey to every virus out there. It's like I threw down the gauntlet to the entire viral community -- "Bring it on, bad viruses. I can handle anything you dish out!" It's true that I don't get sick a lot... I've had the unusual gift of resistence to every creeping crud T has had over the years, even strep. I also worked through mono and was bascially asymptomatic after 2 weeks -- a small miracle I hear.

But superhuman? Naw, not so much. What I thought was allergies turned out to be some kind of frickin' plague and I've had the special privilege of waking myself up coughing, on the hour, all night long.

So I'm super excited to be hear at work, leaving little virally fingerprints all over my office. I say my office-- because I've been quarantined-- to my office. Sorry everyone, I guess I am that annoying person who shows up sick and tries to spread my disease. Whoops.


~Les said...

Sorry you're sick, sister! Hope you get to feeling better soon.

P.S. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm just going to take things one day at a time. I'll be ok. :0)


. said...

Ugh...I had that last week. And was the person coming to work spreading my wonderful germs. Noone likes to suffer alone. Hope you feel better soon!