Friday, January 20, 2006

Is it just me?

Or does January seem like the longest month of the year? Dear Lord when will it ever end?

I hate January with a passion usually reserved for the DMV and the dentist's chair. This one has been very mild but today when I got in the car it was dark, gloomy, drizzly, nasty and all together the kind of day where I'd like to go lay on the couch and watch bad Lifetime movies. It's supposed to snow later on.

I'm thinking of making it a Blockbuster weekend. I'm thinking I'd like to eat everything in sight. I'm also thinking that K's P.E. teacher is a sadist who enjoys punishing his students. She showed me the exercises they do in class and 3 days later I still hurt.

I'm thinking I need to quit goofing around and get some work done so maybe this day -- and the 11 left in this month -- will go a little faster. I'm ready for spring.

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