Friday, March 18, 2005

not really that dark

The blog is looking kind of gloomy lately... I'm not really as grouchy as I appear in print. Actually I'm starting to feel better. More sun, longer days, the promise of spring. I feel like I'm waking up from my long winter's nap. I just realized that Easter is next Sunday. And mushroom season in the midwest is drawing ever nearer -- as is camping season, a prospect that makes me happy and T delirious with joy.

I'm ready for a quiet evening out by a crackling fire with a drink and a marshmallow stick. But this weekend I get to collect up our tax stuff and perhaps even clean out the garage. It's not as bad as the stuff I found here (uh, this stuff makes me dizzy just looking at it) but it's getting to the point where we're ready to start throwing things away. Or setting them afire. Perhaps I can grab my marshmallow stick and a drink and settle down for a nice crackling fire in the driveway.

Nothing makes me feel better like cleaning. How sick is that?

Spring, glorious spring!

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