Wednesday, March 02, 2005

confessions of a grown up drama queen

Someone told me last night that I was a drama queen. According to this highly scientific quiz, I test out at 50%, which means (surprise, surprise) I can be OK sometimes and highly emotional at other times. It's a little roller coaster in my brain.

A part of me refutes the "drama queen" title because other people who act this way drive me crazy. But then again, I do sometimes seem to be in a kind of maelstrom and there's no doubt that I can be an attention whore. Not Anna Nicole Smith-extreme but, baby, you better not forget my birthday. And yes, I have a pink sparkly Sleeping Beauty Princess tiara on my computer.

This friend also told me I gave up having a normal life when I opted not to have children and that I'm not being challenged intellectually. And some other painful stuff I won't repeat.

That's the great thing about a real friend. They can leave you bleeding on the floor but you know they still love you.

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