Thursday, September 15, 2005

kid stuff

Just to prove that I do still have my sense of humor, I thought it might be fun to share a little kid wisdom with you. This is courtesy of my friends' two wonderful kids who shared their very deep thoughts with me on a lovely late summer evening...

he: (describing the pecking order of the universe) "It goes monkeys, then us, then aliens." "why aliens?" "'cause their brains are bigger." (he demonstrates the head circumference with his arms held aloft like a power speaker in a stadium full of Promise Keepers). "and besides they have lasers." "we have lasers" Yeah, but they have laser guns." oh.

I have discovered that some conversations with younger kids are so spontaneous, they are like, 5 minutes in to it in their heads before they even say anything. Therefore, THEY know what they're talking about but we have no idea. Refer to above.

she: "Daaaaaaaad, let me tell you. There's early, which is on time. There's on time, which is late. And there's late which is unacceptable." (Her father remains unmoved -- and chronically late).

I was also told, that if I were to be sold, the asking price should be a kajillion quadrillion dollars.

All of these conversations and many many more took place with the constant movement of the very young -- the happy dance that kids do when they are still protected, innocent and full of joy.

Now that's great therapy.

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