Friday, February 04, 2005

Gordy in from the Cold

There I was in the warehouse, minding my own business, when suddenly I hear this pathetic sound reverberating through the doors.

"meow, meow, meeeeooooooow."

Off to investigate, my co-worker and I discover that there's a cat outside the loading dock. Dirty, beaten, starving and dehydrated, this little boy had once been loved and was now wandering around the West Bottoms alone, hoping for a handout.

Well, he got more than one.

Let's say maybe he found his way in to the offices. Maybe everyone in the marketing department sorta fell in love. And a couple of someones brought food. And someone else donated a litter pan and then litter -- then he got a quick check up and tests for those most deadly of all kitty killers - feline immunovirus (FIV) and feline leukemia. And he was negative.

Say he's sleeping on my desk even now.

I must be crazy. Perhaps it's the water.

Anyway, Gordon needs a home. Gordy is a nice boy. Loving, middle aged, slightly tom-like attitude. Declawed, peachy-creamy marmalade. But Gordon can't stay in the marketing department forever. So if you know anyone in the Kansas City area that can take him, please let me know.

1 comment:

. said...

awww...he's lucky he found your loading dock!