Thursday, February 17, 2005

Pimp Someone Else's Blog

A quick note on yesterday's post. I did in fact clean the window, although it was sort of unsatisfying in that my arms got tired and I didn't get the glass perfectly sparkling. So now I have to gaze through smeary glass. I'll have to bring glass cleaner tomorrow and maybe a razor blade... A word of advice -- don't let your friends have the spray mount while you're on vacation. And for those of you who think now that I am one sandwich shy of a picnic, perhaps you're right.

I still wonder about the birds.

Anyway, this morning I'm pimping someone else's blog. I read Rabbi Gellman now and then and I have to say I really enjoy his writing. I also like the spirit of what he's saying and how it ties in to what we're discussing in "40 Days of Purpose". Too often we think if we throw the poor a bone, we've done something special. But dignity and self worth is the meat on that bone. And if you're in the family of God, these people we're deigning to "help" are not some scrubby strangers but rather our brothers and sisters. They're family.

1 comment:

bella said...

Imagine if everyone would randomly do something nice for a fellow human being... the world would be such a better place.