Friday, July 23, 2004

The Return of an Old Favorite

When I was a tadpole and had just entered college with the intention of studying advertising, I used to love, I mean LOVE the J. Peterman catalogue.  Waaaaaay before Seinfeld, I thought it was cool as the dark green interior of a rain forest in Brazil, where the natives ... uh, you get the idea.  It was a very hot love affair.

Imagine my joy at finding his online catalog.  He does what every copywriter longs to do ... evoke a scene, titillate the senses -- and sell, baby, sell.

The item that sparked my imagination is still there: the Irish Cloak.  I still want it.  I still can't figure out how to justify it.  But it's good knowing it's still out there.

1 comment:

. said...

I'm a big Seinfeld fan, but I had no idea that J. Peterman was real! How funny! I'll have to go see what they really have.