Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring comes

...blogs go to hell.

Looking forward to the weekend... we are going camping for the first time since Labor Day. Seems a long long time and so much has happened since our last trip, but what a relief to get back to a routine that gives us both so much joy. I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to do this simple, normal thing.

Got a lot to get done between now and then... this will be the first time we've ever taken the dogs, too. Abby the famous D-O-G can't be left alone any more... afraid she'll get down and not be able to get up. Besides she needs her arthritis pills. Drugs for everyone these days. She and T are sharing a bottle of glucosamine, the good news is I don't have to coat T's pill with peanut butter for him to take it.

I hope there will be mushrooms but even if there aren't any at all I know we'll still have fun.


~Les said...

Do you really go out camping and finding mushrooms to eat, or are you pulling my leg?

Have a great time! I big-pink-puffy-heart camping and I'm sure I'll miss it now that Dad's gone.


Mitchelina said...

No leg pulling involved. We really do find mushrooms and eat them. We only look for a few particular kinds (the safe six) and it's always best to eat from places you know haven't been treated with weed killer or insecticide (i.e. someone's lawn).

Chixulub said...

The artist formerly known as Frau Lobster gets full credit for any camping I do, even after the deluge. Does that mean I get to blame her if I mistakenly eat a death-something?