Friday, October 15, 2004

A few roses, a few random thoughts

I'm happy because it's the end of a very long week and tomorrow I get to sleep.

I also got to sit down for a short period of time and watch TV last night, a past time which has long ago passed in to luxury status from everyday habit status.

K actually cooked her first full meal last night - I showed her how to grill pork chops and she nuked potatoes and made salad. She isn't ready for the CIA (Culinary version, not undercover spy version) yet but at least I know she won't starve when she grows up. T and I ran around getting all our camping chores and house chores done while she cooked so we could all bug out for the weekend.

Hawaii is just 2 weeks away!

Whatever happened to equal representation? My absentee ballot is loaded with candidates of a certain party -- all running unopposed. If I knew how to go about it the right way, I might actually consider running myself. I'm sick of not having a voice in state government!
Whew, I feel better now!

Oh, here's a few roses...
The "Not Your Typical Top 40" Award: For Chris Thile, who has just released another CD, "Deceiver". I just love variety: country, roots, newgrass, bluegrass, alternative, Christian contemporary, blues... Chris is part of one of my favorite bands, Nickel Creek. New material from any member of the band is always welcome in my CD player!

The "Cool Remerchandising" Award: To the Hampton Inn, which has remerchandised every part of their hotel from the signage ("Smile") in the elevator to the soap wrapper. Not to mention, they finally made shower that are spacious enough that the shower curtain doesn't stick to your leg while you bathe.

The "Instantly Much Better, thanks" Award: I have never shelled out for expensive makeup for myself but I had to try something drastic when I developed a dry, itchy rash from my nose to the outside of my mouth. I ran in to Aveda and they sent me out with 3 products that have instantly improved my skin. My makeup is lighter, the rash is almost gone and my skin looks and feels healthier. I learned a long time ago that cheap shampoo is a mistake and for some people, I guess cheap makeup is too.

1 comment:

Chixulub said...

People get entirely too hung up on the representation part. Better to have representation without taxation.

The LP usually fronts a slate for state office, but until people are disabused of the notion that voting third part is 'throwing their vote away,' no meaningful change can happen.

Voting Republocrat or Depublican, that's voting for the status quo, and in the Lobster's not very humble opinion, the very definition of throwing your vote away.