Monday, June 06, 2005

bite-sized Monday morning

15 hits to go to hit 1,000 -- and only 2 days left. Is this a goofy little goal? Maybe I should have added it to my 43 Things.


Since the cat's finally out of the bag, I can now mention that T lost his job a few weeks back. He didn't actually lose it -- he knows right where it is. It just doesn't require his presence or pay him a salary any more. As with all job losses (and this is the 5th between us in the last 4 years) we are sure that God will provide. But I have to admit that I'm a little sick of having to keep falling back on God's good graces -- He's a busy guy and I hate to keep bothering Him.

So another piece of the puzzle snaps in to place -- at least you know now that I don't have all stupid reasons for being in a blue mood lately. Although I hold to what I said last week... little by little, the sun is coming out. I finally summoned up the energy to clean the house and I cooked 2 meals, a record!

I'll try to actually have a theme and something to say later in the day. Right now, I'm just doing my Monday thing. Anyone who knows me knows I prefer to take mornings in bite sized pieces.

1 comment:

Mitchelina said...

hang on Ethan. Bad job usually better than no job. Take it from someone who knows.