Tuesday, November 09, 2004

reunion station

I am by nature, a curious sort. Also, the older I get, the more people I used to know. Periodically I wonder where they went, what happened and how they are now. Each old friend, boyfriend, rival and coworker is like a little station where my train has stopped. Some I could blow by, no problem-- but a few I'd like to revisit now and then.

While floating around in the Pacific, I began mulling over the idea of a virtual reunion for staff at my old college dorm. Over 2 years, there were 10 or 12 of us who worked and played together and I have lost touch with all but one or two. It's not that I have anything to brag about - I'm a plain girl with a second husband, stepkids, critters, a little house and a job I like. Some of them could brag, I'm sure. Very sure, since I know one woman is now a successful government muckity-muck working under John Ashcroft. But I kind of want them to brag. I love happy endings.

This curiosity must explain why I will probably go to my 20 year high school reunion next year, even though I was a high school nobody. I thought I was unpopular but it turns out I was invisible. I discovered this several years ago while working as a marketing manager for a fast food chain. The assistant principal at a high school near one of my restaurants called to ask for a donation. While I was on the phone I asked if he went to OGHS. He said yes (cautiously) and I enthusiastically said we'd gone to school together, graduated together. There were only 115 kids in my class and this one lived on my bus route. We were also in a 12 member swing choir together. He didn't remember me. At all. Oh, ahhhhh, "nevermind" I said, feeling stupid. Nevertheless, I hope to bump in to a few people to which I was not invisible and see how successful the "most likely to succeed" crowd is doing.

Yes, I'm that person who randomly googles your name to see what your up to. (I'm blushing now.)

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