Monday, July 31, 2006

catch a ride on my train of thought

Does the last post seem self-serving and pathetic?

Does anyone read this any more?

Does anyone like Donna Karan's "Be Delicious" cologne? I hate it, it smells like this girl upstairs who passed out on her first day at work. I tried to help her until the ambulance came and to this day her perfume reminds me of sickness. That sounds mean, I know. Sorry. No more "Be Delicious" for me.

My mouth has tasted like soap all day. Am I getting a cosmic "washing my mouth out"? My language lately certainly justifies it.

I really want to improve my diet and start eating healthier foods that are ony one or two steps removed from their sources... fresh fruit from an orchard, for example. But I had Wendy's for lunch. Not an auspicious start.

I believe in global warming. This place is like a blast furnace -- windy and 100 degrees. Anyone have a match?

I snuck 2 smokes last week. The first was so bad I couldn't finish. The second went down without a thought. My body has old habits my brain knows nothing about.

I wish I'd paid more attention in Spanish and I really wish I had more confidence when I try to speak. And in a related note, when my Spanish-only neighbor hunted up the word "cookies" and smiled, I wanted to hug her. This second language thing is a bitch.

God, I can't wait to wash this perfume off.


Anonymous said...

I have family in Omaha & I can't believe how hot it's been there in that part of the country! Hope you guys get a break soon from all that heat.

Mitchelina said...

me too, it's beastly.

Chixulub said...

Still reading when you post. Haven't been waiting under water, it's noticably less often that there's something new over here.

Without getting into a largely futile argument, when it's bitterly cold in the winter, you don't take it as evidence of the coming ice age, right? Which was the environmental catastrophe of choice 30-40 years ago.

Like I say, not to start a bicker match because while I'm not convinced entirely of global warming and its claimed causes, it wouldn't be the first time people screwed up on a massive scale.

Or maybe the question is when people didn't screw the pooch.

In other news, careful with the backsliding on the cigs. One of the things that helped me at about the point you're at is reminding myself that if I got back into it, I'd have to go through that nasty first stage of withdrawal again. I don't know if it's as much a chemical thing for you, I was a heavier smoker, detoxed from higher levels. Still, when I tried a fag ten years later, those neuroreceptors were their and waiting. A buzz to be sure, though a short and disappointing one.

Damn, some Wendy's sounds good about now.

Wish I hadn't dropped French two weeks into it. Or that I spoke enough Spanish to find a bathroom or order breakfast.

Don't know that perfume by the way. But I tend to either really love or really detest fragrances, so I can appreciate your plight.

Don't be a stranger.