Wednesday, March 08, 2006

miscellaneous midweek mishmash

Too late for commenting on the Oscars I guess, although I liked the job that Jon Stewart did. I also love that Reese Witherspoon won and Philip Seymour Hoffman, too, although every time I see him I think "Dusty" from Twister so it's hard to take him seriously. Of course SHE was in not one but two "Legally Blonde" movies, so who's to say?

Well, weigh in day and down 12#. I wish that I felt it more, I'm in a constant state of surprise when I step on the scale and see it's gone down because I just don't feel it. I think my clothes do fit better and except for the below-waist jeans, nothing's falling off. Those below waist jeans are a bear by the way. I'm constantly hiking them up. I guess I need to dig out a belt.

So, other things to worry about. I think I've found some tile I like for the kitchen and in a totally non-related note, my hair is definitely falling out. This is nothing a 38 year old woman wants to face, by the way. But the old "Ignore it, it will go away" is not really appropriate here. Despite a year of Nioxin and tender loving care, it still is. Going away, that is. So next step will be to see a dermatologist, although I think it's fruitless, to be honest. I'm sure it's hereditary and the only answer is "tough luck". Guys are so lucky... they can just shave their heads these days and be sorta cool. But how many bald headed women do you see running around? Well there are a few but I think they may be in to some adult activities I'm not up for. That's a whole different enchilada. The easiest answer would be for falls to come back in to style. I used to have a blast with my mom's dark brown fall, I used to pin it in to my pixie cut and pretend I was a princess. My mother has a small collection of little hair enhancers now, less for style and more for necessity. Like my grandmother (the genetic culprit behind all this female hair loss) used to say, her head gets cold. Ah, it's not funny. But what else to do? Laugh or cry? I've already cried ...

So, jury duty went fine and quickly, thanks for that. A good thing too since I'm headed for San Diego in 2 weeks for another show and the work is backing up even as I waste time blogging. It's high season in the lawn & garden bidness so that means time to knuckle down.

And finally, there is rain in Kansas City.


~Les said...

Can I just say, "Ugh." What's so funny is that you can't wait to get your jury duty over with, and I've freaking never been called to serve. Hey! I wanna do my civic duty and serve on a jury!!

WTG on the weight loss. I know you don't think you can see it, but I'm sure you're looking better than ever, sister.

Uh, hair loss. Well, I wish I had some advice on this one, although I can say DON'T USE MATRIX PRODUCTS. They make my hair fall out. Falls...LOL...they'll be back "in" before you know it..


lizmo said...

Speaking as one who comes from a long line of people who never had much hair to begin with, and what hair we do have is really, really thin, learn to love hats. Make them your trademark. I know it's a little early for the eccentric elder routine, but heads do get cold (except maybe out here in AZ) and personal style is a lovely thing.
I haven't done jury duty in a while. I always get called up to the court room but never called to serve. Usually find some blinding bias (a real one, of course) that would prejudice me in the case.
I don't get the whole low-rider pants trend. I don't necessarily favor granny pants or suspenders, but the new trend I notice on college campuses is WOMEN showing their undies to the world through impossibly low pants. Yeesh! :)