Thursday, December 08, 2005

snow day

Coming to work when there's 8" of snow on the ground is not so much fun, except that my boss sometimes feels bad for those of us who actually hauled our cookies in, so we get free pizza. That's cool.

Here's a picture of the view out the front door as T was shoveling our cars out at the crack of dawn (the one still covered in snow is mine... it's behind the car on the right)and the view from the back door to the deck (which was frozen shut). Brrrr.

K was still toasty warm in bed when we left ... made me want to go in and mess with her a little bit. But I remember the joy of the high school snow day ... my mom and I would sleep late and then get up and make these long sled runs and sled with the dogs on our laps. So I let her be.

Our weather forcasters called for the following amounts on Tuesday night:
CBS - 6"
ABC - 1-2"
Fox - 2-3"
NBC - 2-4"

Actual amounts around town? 7.3-9.5". One more reason why the most reliable weather coverage we have here is the ol' "walk out your door" method. This approach is especially amusing when you do and the weathercasters don't and as you're watching the hail/rain/snow fall they say "we might see some precipitation ..." No kiddin'. Thanks.

In the meantime I'm enjoying a quiet day at the office, some hot chocolate and looking forward to the pizza.


lizmo said...

Before I moved back to KC (temporarily) in 2003, at the end of 2002 I was living in Central Arizona, at altitude, where we actually got cute snow that only stuck to the grass and the side of the gigantic (8000') mountain I could see from my kitchen window.

A couple of days before Christmas, I was doing something at the kitchen table and looked up into the cloudy late afternoon gloom. I blinked--something was falling from the sky, but it wasn't rain. It took me a full 20 seconds before I realized--IT WAS SNOW. That still makes me laugh. :)

I hate driving in snow, but I've always loved looking at it. Enjoy the beauty and drive carefully! :)

lizmo said...

I guess I should add to this little story that in 2002 I hadn't seen it snow (other than on TV) for at least five years...except for one day in 1998 when Phoenix actually got a half-inch of snow, which melted in less than an hour...

It's amazing how quickly we forget what things look like when we don't see them for years (despite growing up in the big snow 70s in the midwest...)