Wednesday, August 24, 2005

50 things to be happy about

  1. the way chocolate icing crinkles a little when you lick it
  2. the way my dogs snort when they're really excited and happy
  3. 29 minutes, 20 seconds on the treadmill (when I'm walking for 30)
  4. overhearing a girl say she was going to be packing across Europe and realizing I'm going to Europe soon too
  5. the deliciousness of falling asleep with the windows open
  6. 20 jelly bellies for the drive home
  7. scented candles
  8. having dinner planned out
  9. sticking to my food plan
  10. getting lost in the library
  11. laundry's caught up
  12. the Renaissance Festival
  13. a job well done
  14. the wisdom of a kind heart
  15. cats on my tummy
  16. the fat fall issue of In Style
  17. old friends
  18. smooth red wines
  19. half an afternoon in a steamboat museum
  20. a $25 gift card for Dillard's
  21. compliments
  22. good hair days
  23. good gas mileage
  24. unexpected gifts
  25. not having to nag
  26. big earrings
  27. diet coke with real limes
  28. a clean house
  29. private time
  30. good movies
  31. 54 mph on a wave runner
  32. fountains
  33. Creme Brulee
  34. cheese
  35. the crash and scent of the ocean
  36. spontaneity
  37. a very good sales year
  38. organization that works
  39. new checks
  40. glass paperweights
  41. the smell of herbs and cut grass
  42. smoked turkey and cream cheese on a cheese bagel
  43. cheese pizza
  44. new shoes
  45. jeans that make my legs look longer
  46. feeling thinner even if I'm not yet
  47. flying
  48. the beginning of a much anticipated movie in a cool, dark theatre
  49. winning
  50. I made a joke and they laughed

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