Friday, May 19, 2006

I quit

It's been a week since I quit smoking.

I don't remember the last one I had, I know it was in Vegas. I have known for a long time that I should give them up but you know, I like smoking. Simple. I just do. But I told T and more than that, I promised myself that I would quit by my birthday and even though it's still 5 weeks away, I had one left and I got rid of it before we got on the plane. And then I decided not to buy any more.

I miss it. I didn't even smoke that much. But I know that it's the right thing to do... maybe my blood pressure will go down a little and get me out of the "pre-hypertension" category. I always thought 120/80 was good... now I guess it's not so much.

Even Mother Nature (I revert back to an old nickname for the former Frau Lobster) who has been laid up in the hospital all week has been trying to keep me on the straight and narrow. A coworker took the rental car keys when we were out of town earlier in the week, stating that "If you are going to smoke, you're going to have to walk to get them." It's been a long time since I sat in a Hampton Inn room all evening with crap on TV and no cigarettes.

Someone tell me I'll be better off. But I don't want to be one of those smug bastards who wrinkles their nose every time someone walks by with a cigarette... nor do I want to be huffing the second hand smoke.

Just another sign that I am grown up after all.


~Les said...

You WILL be better off. You won't stink like smoke. You'll have more money. You'll live longer. There's not one benefit of continuing to smoke, other than it makes you happy. And you wouldn't POSSIBLY want to be happy, would you?

And this isn't coming from a smug, smoke-hatin' girl. I've smoked A LOT in my lifetime, although luckily for me, I've always been able to just stop because it's never developed into a habit for me. I LOVE smoking too, but unless I've had a few drinks and a friend has 1 cigarette I can smoke, or take a drag from, I'm not doing it anymore.

I'm very proud of you, girlfriend!

Chixulub said...

Quitting smoking is probably the single hardest thing I've ever done, and the most worthwhile.

For me, I had to resolve myself that I was through with them even if every minute, of ever day, for the rest of my life was only going to be worse than its predecessor.

And if you think about it, risk-to-reward-wise, nicotine is about the most addictive and least fun dope there is.

If I can do it, you can do it.