Thursday, September 15, 2005

personal hurricanes

When the storm comes and levels everything, you have a choice. You either abandon or you build again. As my very wise and dear stepfather said: what you build is either better or worse but never will it be the same.

I made a choice to seek some professional help. After that, to take an action I never thought I could take. Now I am standing on the foundation of my life and all else has been leveled off. Who will build my house again? And what will it look like?

I don't think T would mind me saying that he has also, at last, decided to get help of his own. I hope that one day soon we can build again what we allowed to be demolished.

Thanks for your prayers-- and for those of you who aren't just blog friends, for your calls. When people say the internet is too impersonal, well, they don't know you.


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